Este post é para inaugurar esta pagina do travelmap

Pretendo registrar aqui o roteiro que farei que será publicado em breve .

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."

W.B. Yeats.

Para que este post não fique vazio recomendo ler :

Os 3 passos para sair viajando pelo mundo de maneira simplificada ou simplista:

1. Get a bicycle. / Já comprei 3 bikes e realizei viagens desde 2012

It doesn’t really matter which one, as long as it’s comfortable, but you won’t get far without it.

2. Quit your job./ Este passo já é mais complicado .Estou tentando e acho que próximo de alcançar .

You’ll need a few years for this, so write a letter to your boss explaining that you’re sorry but there’s something you have to do. (Skip this step if you are a student/unemployed/retired.)

3. Leave./

You can’t cycle round the world without setting off. So strap a tent and sleeping bag to your bike, ask the neighbour to look after the cat, and pedal away from home.

Once you have accomplished the above three steps, the rest will work itself out.